Need Advice On Supplements For Increasing Height
Thanks for posting your query.
Let me help you understand the basics of growth first.
As you reach the age of 13-15 years, you attain puberty (a phase where the male hormones start to ooze in the blood and their effects are evident with physical and psychological features). This is the time when beard appears on your face and hair at other places on the body. The sexual organs also grow in size and you experience better erections than earlier.
This is common to all and happens under the influence of male hormones in boys.
During this time the ends of the long bones fuse with its shaft and stops growing in height. This is called end plate fusion. After that your bones no longer grow length wise but they begin to widen and in strength. Since the height of an individual depends on the length of the bones, 95% of the growth happens within 21 years of age.
After this no diet, no medicine can increase your height. There are surgical techniques to lengthen the bones inch by inch, these do not sound good for you. There are certain surgeons practicing these techniques and producing good results.
I have some general tips to appear tall, you may be impressed by these:
Try wearing a heel shoe which matches the color of the pant.
Wear a similar colored belt so that the legs looks long.
Prefer a vertically striped shirt. Proper fitted clothes serve the purpose.
Comb your hair upwards.
Irrespective of the above measures these are important for any person;
Take good diet; reach in proteins, fruits and salads
Do regular exercise.
Avoid too much of junk food and maintain good healthy life style.
There are lots of products available in market which makes tall claims, but all are fake, nothing really works. Please keep yourself away from them.
I hope this answers your query, I will be glad to reply any follow up queries.
Please accept the answer in case you do not have follow up query.
Good to hear from you again.
I am sorry dear but as explained earlier nothing works.
I can not comment on individual products but as far as science is concerned, there are no such possibilities.
Personality is seen in total, only height is not important to impress any body. There is no need for you feel ashamed of your height.
Physical height is not the only thing that matters, your other capabilities are also taken in to account which builds your overall impressive personality.
Please talk to your doctor and show him the product before you start using them.
I hope, this clears your doubt. Please accept my answer in case you have no follow up queries.
Wish you good health.