Need To Urinate At Night, Disturbed Sleep Pattern. Family History Of Diabetes. Have Borderline Diabetes
Over the last few years, I seem to have developed a need to wake up 1-2 times in the night to pass urine, which greatly disturbs my sleep pattern, as I cannot sleep for 3-4 hrs at a stretch. Even in that 3-4 hr window, I am partially aware of the building up of pressure in the bladder. Even during the day, I feel a need to empty bladder frequently (~every 2hrs) and each time, the flow is heavy despite having emptied the bladder only a while ago. As background, I am 44, borderline diabetic (and family has a history of diabetics), teetotaller. So far, I have not taken any medication either for this or any other complication. Rgds, XXXXXXX
The symptoms are not because of your sugars as they seem to be just borderline. Please check the quantity of water, tea, coffee or any other fluid you drink throughout 24 hours and also exact amount of urine output in 24 hours (you can use a bottle measuring 1 L for this and measure the whole day and night's output). In case your output is near equal to input or more than that then we need to go ahead with further set of tests for evaluation of the reason for your polyuria- frequent urination with large volume.
Also, please check your sugars 2 hours post lunch and 2 hours post dinner and let me know the values. Sometimes post breakfast sugars can be normal or near normal but post major meals sugars can be high to make you pass more urine.
Thirdly, even though you are just 44 years and the urine output is more, I would suggest one renal scan to be done to rule out hyperfitration stage of kidneys or prostrate's bigger size.
Please get back with these things for further guidance. Take care.