Nineteen Weeks Pregnant. Normal To Feel Jumping Or Kicking In Uterus?
Thanks for the query.
Firstly, Congratulations on your pregnancy.
I would like to inform you that this is a period known as 'Quickening' which usually presents around 18-20 weeks in a first time pregnancy.
You will be able to feel the baby moving around inside the uterus as it is active and healthy and denotes a healthy development of it's nervous and musculoskeletal system.
Your baby is responding to certain stimuli, the most effective being just after a meal.
It is highly advisable that you keep a count of the baby's movement by around 28 weeks, taking into account the feeling of the baby kick or taking a full turn or rotation.
Maintain a chart of the DFMC or Daily foetal movement count 1 hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner. If the total count in 2 hours is more than or equal to 10 then your baby is not subjected to hypoxia or deprived of blood supply and oxygen as well. If there is decreased count you may need to consult your Doctor immediately.
Go for regular antenatal checkup. Get your blood pressure checked regularly, better in the left lateral position while lying down.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and XXXXXXX leafy vegetables for good nutrition and also to prevent constipation. Drink enough water. Avoid sexual intercourse or bumpy, long journeys towards the last 6 weeks of your pregnancy to reduce chance of pre-term labour.
Wishing you a beautiful pregnancy and healthy delivery and baby.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries.