Noticed Red, Black Specks In Stool. Microscopic Examination Showed Presence Of RBC. Is This Serious?
Occult blood - absent
Macroscopic examination shows no blood.But the microscopic examination shows the following
RBC 02-05 hpf
OVA - Hook worm ova seen(01 - 02 hpf)
Cyst - Entamoeba histolytica cyst 02-03 seen / hpf
Microoraganisms - plenty of bacteria seen( Bacilli/hpf)
Pus cells seen (01-03/hpf)
Should I be be worried about my motion test results? Are the presence of RBC's in my motion tend to any serious concerns
The stool analysis indicates that hook worm ova were seen, the cysts of entamoeba histolytica were also identified. The pus cells were found as a result of these infections.The small amount of red blood cells seen are also related to the presence of these organisms.
These infections would have caused the symptoms that you complained of and require treatment.
Treatment of hook worm requires the use of medication such as albendazole (also known as zental). One 400mg dose is all that is required.
Treatment of entamoeba histolytica varies. A person can be considered to have no symptoms related to the infection and be considered a carrier of the parasite OR they can present with symptoms of infection of the intestines. Some of the parasites can sometimes be found in the liver.
The medication used depends on the category that the doctor assigns you to .
If you are thought to be a carrier then there are three medications that can be used.
In persons with intestinal infection, there are two main choices.
Treatment of both infections is effective and should result in complete resolution of any problems.
You may want to consider consulting your doctor for further treatment.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
For past 7 -8 months I had few problems with my stool . There were red and black spots on my stool and such stools occured intermittently. I took a endscopy and sigmoidoscopy and the results were normal and it was shown as gastriticis. Then , during dec'12 i took a motion test and there was no presence of occult blood and RBC's in my motion. But the motion test i took day before yesterday shows me presence of some RBC's though its given no occult blood seen. Does it mean like when i took motion test on dec'12 I didin't have any parasites in my body..? Are the red and black spots due to parasites or gastriticis or any other major concern. I was in sydney for past 7-8 months and doctors prescribed me to take up colonoscopy. I came back India and took up endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy as per doctors presription here. Do I still require colonoscopy..?
It would be helpful if you can clarify me from all sides.
The colonoscopy can show lesions that are higher than the sigmoidoscopy which does not go as far up into the intestine. At your age, unless you have a family history of colonic disease, you are unlikely to have colonic cancer. This usually occurs early in persons with a family history but in others it occurs around 50 to 60 yrs of age.
If the sigmoidoscopy is clear, then you do not necessarily have to do a colonoscopy unless your doctors indicate otherwise.
The spots are likely due to the parasites.
Gastritis should not cause blood in the stool unless it is associated with a major bleed, in which case you would also be vomiting blood.
It is possible that the parasites were not present in the stool in December.
Please feel free to ask further questions