Noticed Small Dots On Ovaries During Ultrasound. Could This Be Healthy Follicles Or Do I Have PCOS?
Most pictures are normal wait for final report
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Thanks for sharing your concerns with us.
Normal ultrasound picture of ovaries contain white areas which represent ovarian stroma & black areas which are follicles.
If black areas are very large then we call them cysts. These are abnormal.
Strictly speaking, egg is the end product, when an ovum & a sperm get fertilized. You can't see an egg on ultrasound. But, sometimes, just to make it simple for the patients to understand, doctors use the term eggs for follicles.
At the beginning of a woman's cycles many follicles begin to appear on the ovaries. Usually, at mid-cycle one or two of them grow to become mature. This disappear after ovulation.
So, to interpret the ultrasound pictures of ovaries it is important to know the timing of ultrasound with regard to a woman's cycle & also these pictures need to have some labeling of side & size etc.
Polycystic appearance of ovaries is quite common in women of reproductive age. This appearance alone is not sufficient to label a woman to be suffering from PCOS, which is a clinical diagnosis made after considering clinical history, lab tests & ultrasound pictures into one diagnosis.
I have seen your ultrasound pictures. Some are not very clear & others are without any labeling of size & side. So, It is quite difficult for me to make any impression.
Most pictures seem to be normal, but, I can see few pictures which resemble polycystic ovaries. I will stress again that please don't take it as final as there is no labeling of size or volume of ovaries & follicles.
So, my final advise is to be patient & wait for the final report of ultrasound in which the doctor must have made comment on the size of follicles & ovaries.
Till then hope for the best.
please write back if you have any question. I will be glad to respond.
Best wishes.
Usually follicles are less than ten
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back & thanks for your response.
Yes, having follicles or black spots is perfectly normal.
Usually these follicles are less than ten.
If there are many small follicle arranged around the periphery of the ovary, which is enlarged & unusually white then this is called polycystic ovary in ultrasound appearance.
However, diagnosis is never complete without a supportive clinical history & lab results.
You may write back once your full reports are ready.
Take care.
We are here to help you, whenever you need.
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You are welcome here with all your questions & concerns.
Best regards.
Yes, this is a very common treatment
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Welcome back.
PCOS patients who are overweight, often get this treatment. This medicine helps them loose weight, restore menstrual regularity & fertility.
One should also undertake other measures to loose weight like dietary & lifestyle modification coupled with regular exercise. These measures alone may have effects similar to metformin if undertaken in an efficient way.
Best wishes.
Weight reduction will help if your BMI is high
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Welcome back.
Actually, we doctors classify obesity on the basis of BMI ( Body mass index) & not the weight alone. It is actually a relation of our height & weight.
Some people are of normal weight but come under overweight category if we calculate their BMI. So, This may the reason of your doctors advise.
You can write back with your current height & weight & I can calculate it for you.
Metformin may still be helpful even if you are of normal weight.
Warm regards.
You are overweight!
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Thanks for your response & sorry for a late reply.
I have calculated your BMI, it is 25.85. This is borderline high & comes in overweight category. Therefore, weight reduction is recommended & likely to be helpful in your case.
Best wishes.
You are always welcome.
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Thanks for your appreciation & feedback.
You may contact back with your final reports.
Wish you best of luck.
Take care.
Please send me actual reports.
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Good to have you back.
I am glad to know your hormonal work up is normal but I want to see actual reports & want to know actual levels before giving my opinion.
Also please also mention on which day of the cycle your hormone test was done?
Please also write back, have your doctor tested your tubal patency & your partner's semen analysis. What are the reports?
What is your current frequency of intercourse? do you experience any sexual problem?
I cannot make any comment about your doctors advise for Clomid, as I am (at present) not aware of many significant details of your history.
I will be waiting for your reply to guide you further.
Wish you best of luck.
Get your serum prolactin checked
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Thanks for your response.
I will be eagerly waiting for your reports.
Best time to have hormonal profile is day 2-3 of cycle ( specially FSH, LH, & estradiol). Best time to check serum progesterone is day 21 of cycle. Otherwise, information could be misleading.
One very important test which is lacking among hormones is serum prolactin. High levels of this is an important cause of an-ovulation. Get it checked.
I think male factor & sexual problems can be ruled out in your case, but, tubal patency should have been checked, before starting any fertility treatment.
Wish you all the best.
Take care.
That's great
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That's great. Now please send me the actual reports & have your tubal patency test done, to complete fertility work up.
Have a nice day.