Numbness And Burning Pain All Over Body. Test Showed Iron And VIT D Deficiency. Reason?
I saw a neurologist, and I had 6 MRIs of my brain and a lumbar puncture, but everything was fine. My bloodwork is also fine, except that I have anemia, elevated B12, and vitamin D deficiency. So, I am looking for an answer as to what causes this burning pain.
Thanks for the query.
I understand your concern and have read your problem very intently.
Since you have been seen by neurologists many times and had many normal MRI's,it rules out any serious neurological and orthopedic problems.
The most probable and likely cause for your trouble seems to be deficiency of iron and VIT D.
I would advise you to take VIT D properly by taking it in the dose of 0000 units every week for at least 8 weeks followed by the 0000 units every fortnight for 4 months and then taking it once a month for your life.
The calcium supplement you are taking does contain VIT D ,but is proving to be inadequate.
Take care of your anaemia also,
Take proper nutrition by consuming fresh fruits XXXXXXX vegetables,milk products and nuts.
Since stress and anxiety also play a lot of role in manifestations of such type of symptoms,I would advise you to resort to yoga,meditation and relaxation techniques like XXXXXXX breathing exercises.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
so, i should take 10,000 units every day (it will be 60,000 per week) and after 8 weeks 60,000 at once every fourtnight for 4 months.
I cannot take multivitamins because my vit B12 is high (over 1000). Why my vit B12 is so high?
You can take it this way or 0000 units once a week.
Do continue taking calcium 1000 mg daily.
Levels of VIT B12 above 1000 are definitely high but generally don't cause any problem unless and until it is proved that there is associated liver disease like chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis or any type of leukaemia.
Discuss with your doctor about the possibilities of such ailments in you.
You are most welcome to ask any query any time