On Medication For Chf And Emphysema. Liver Has Grown An Extra Duct. Is It Symptomatic Of Liver Failure?
I am Dr. Prasad Akole (Critical Care Expert- http://bit.ly/Dr-Prasad-Akole) and am glad to address to your query here.
The liver cannot develop an extra duct late in life. It must be a congenital (present since birth) and detected now on sonography. It is harmless.
Was a sonography done on the abdomen?
Uncommonly, small venous channels may enlarge and collaterals develop and appear doubled up. It may occur in hepatic congestion as in your case of congestive heart failure. Heart failure causes liver congestion as back pressure increases and occasionally causes liver failure.
But it would greatly help if you could type in or upload your report here using the uploading service available on this site just below the text box. You can email the reports / scans to
YYYY@YYYY with subject- (Attn: Dr. Prasad Akole)
That would make things clear to me about what “duct” you are talking about (biliary duct or venous collaterals or duplex vessels).
You are on good drug regimen for CCF (congestive cardiac failure).
I hope to have answered your query satisfactorily. I would be glad to answer any further queries.
Take care and please keep me informed of your progress at http://bit.ly/Dr-Prasad-Akole
Good Luck!
Thank you!!