On Treatment For Chronic Fatigue, X-ray Showed Enlarged Heart. Danger Sign?
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Cardiomegaly literally means big heart / same as enlarged heart.
It is just a suggestion in chest X-ray / based on the ratio of the shadow of the heart to the diameter of the chest shadow...
It is a rough estimate; not accurate /
It is affected by several factors like the distance between patient and X-ray machine; breathing (Normally X-ray is taken in deep inspiration; if not, it will look like cardiomegaly!)
If there is any suspicion, ECG and ECHOcardiogram are done.
If there is nothing in history and examination, generally nothing is needed...
Telling this may only cause anxiety and your doctor was right not to tell......
You are not likely to have enlarged heart – it will not be quiet for so long! / it can not account for this symptom...forget it and be your own self!
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck