Pain In Chest. Is It Due To Stress?
Thanks for writing in.
Stress can give rise to a multitude of problems. But before attributing it to stress it is advisable to rule out any organic cause in the underlying organs.
I would therefore suggest the following
1. stress ECg testing to look for any cardiac cause
2. upper Gi endoscopy for reflux disease provided the symptoms are experienced early in the morning with typical retrosternal burning sensation and eructations.
3. right sided upper abdominal pain may be due either gall stones or just musculoskeletal strain.The chances of musculoskeletal pain may be high as both the sides are affected.
Having ruled out all these causes, then the symptoms can be attributed to stress. Stress relief could be sought by regular exercising , yoga or meditation.Anxiolytic drug treatment does not always work in the long run and is detrimental to health.
I hope this answers your doubt.