Pain In Hand And Shoulder. Soreness, Muscle Fatigue In Forearm, Elbow And Wrist. Is It WMSD?
i am 32 year female suffering from acute pain in my right hand and shoulder from last few days. i am a computer engineer and my whole day work evolves around sitting in a chair with a computer and a mouse. Due to prolonged mouse operation with my right hand my arm is giving me a very painful ache.i read online about WMSDs, or Workplace Musculosketetal Disorders and i seem to exhibit the similar symptoms.i have aching, soreness, muscle fatigue in forearm, elbow shoulders and wrist only on my right working hand. i am trying to change the positions of the mouse, sit upright but this pain is bad. Can u prescribe me with some anti inflammatory drug to reduce the pain and maybe a muscle relaxant. i really need to continue working and have no time to take a break.
Thanking you in advance
Thank you for sharing your problem with me here at XXXXXXX
Your pain is similar to the repetitive stress disorder affecting computer professionals. So you could try a silicon gel pad under your palm while using mouse.
Pain medications such as diclofenac sodium along with ranitidine are commonly used for these conditions. However these are prescription only medications which can be brought from your nearby pharmacy using your physician's prescription. It is not ethical and legal to prescribe the drugs without physical examination, therefore it is worthwhile to see your doctor to obtain this prescription.
Rarely this pain could also be due to prolapsed disc in the neck region. Should your pain worsens even after medicine intake, it would be advisable to XXXXXXX an orthopaedic surgeon
Let me know if you need clarifications.