Pain In Left Side Of Face, Eye Infected And Red. Any Ideas?
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some good information and recommendations regarding what is going on.
Regarding your eye there are several different categories which could explain your symptoms. These categories include allergies, viruses or bacteria.
If you look at your eyes and there are yellow secretions as well as some crusting around the edge of the eye, this is suspicious for a real bacterial infection. If you see just redness and a watery discharge this may be consistent with just a viral or allergic type of reaction.
If your symptoms are progressively getting worse and you are having discomfort and possibly difficulty with seeing that correctly you probably need to visit with your primary care provider for a prescription eye drop. You could also consider going to your local pharmacy to pick up a generic eye wash. You could try this for a day or so and see if your symptoms improved. I suspect however that you will likely need to see your doctor if your symptoms are still bothersome.
The pain you are experiencing might be due to the eye infection itself.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you found my response to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Robert