Pain In The Back. Non-obstructive Renal Calculus In Kidney. Cure?
Last week I went through Regular full body checkup in my office. I got negative result for my kidney. Result is like , I have 8mm nonobstructive renal calculus in my left kidney.
I don't know what to do now. I want to getrid of it.
I also feel sensation on my upper back and little pain in case of a stretch.
1-What are the possible cure for this?
2-Do I need to take precaution for that?
3-Is it possible to dessolve the stone using some medicine?
4-Is drinking beer will be helpfull?
5-If I do not take medicine for it, will it come out through urine?
6- What is the reason behind the stone formation?
7-Also tell me the medicine which may be helpfull.
If you need any test report, I can share it with you.
Thanks for your query.
You have a non obstructive stone in the kidney and nothing much to worry about.
However, you certainly need to get treatment for the same.
You should get yourself investigated with urine examination, serum calcium and uric acid levels. These may point to a specific abnormality that is causing the stones. If a specific abnormality is found such as hyperuricemia then the stone may be dissolved with specific medications.
Most of the times no reason can be identified for stone formation and patient needs to follow generalized measures in life that shall prevent further stone formation. You have to remember that once a stone former is always a stone former.
Your stone is fairly large and its chances of passing by itself in urine are pretty low. It is a misconception that drinking beer flushes out the stone. Infact studies have shown that drinking beer decreases the spontaneous stone passage rate.
You should get yourself further investigated with CT urogram and subsequently subject the stone to ESWL (shockwave lithotripsy). Your stone is the right size for it and it shall give you excellent clearance of the stone in a minimally invasive fashion.
Wish you good health.