Pain In Throat After Swallowing Bone. Suggest Remedy
Thank you for writing to us.
In such cases, doctors prefer looking down the throat to search for any injuries, which in your case is almost obviously present.
What we do once the injury is noticed is to spray an anesthetic substance on it, in order to reduce the pain, but other than that, nothing much is done to it. This wound will heal on its own in about 5-10 days.
All you have to do in the meantime is:
-Avoid solid food
-Avoid spicy,oily or hot food
-Drink cold liquids
-Avoid acid drinks
-Cold and soft food (ice cream and cold drinks) are most preferred (cold food will act as a numbing agent)
Although I would still advise you to visit a doctor, in order to confirm that the bone has passed, because in such cases, some part of the bone can remain lodged in that region. This will have to be ruled out by a doctor. It is difficult to prescribe you any pain medication to act specifically on that area, which is why doctors avoid this, and usually just ask the patient to wait it out.
I hope this information helps. Do write back to me for any further clarifications, I would be happy to help you.
Best wishes.
I hope you are doing better now.
Warm drinks should be avoided as they might cause further constriction. When any part of the body is healing, scar tissue is formed, which causes constriction of the surrounding region. Warm liquids would cause further constriction, which might result in an excessive amount of constriction of the region. This constriction might result in narrowing of the passage (food pipe) in that region. This would not be good.
Thus, I would prefer if you would drink more of cold liquids, along with honey. Tea is also good, but it should also be cooled before drinking.
I hope this information helps. Wishing you a speedy recovery and great health from there on.
Best wishes.