Pain On Left Side Below The Ribcage. Pain Goes Away When Lying On Right Side. Burping After Meal And Have Bad Breath. What Could It Be?
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Detailed Answer:
This is stomach problem very probably and you should do some tests to confirm this. You describe symptoms of hiatal hernia, GERD or gastritis. To evaluate this you should do gastroscopy and then further treatment can be planned. Till you do that you should change your dietary habits and start with antiacid medicines(ask your doctor for nexium or ranitidine).
You should eat smaller meals but more frequently. Avoid alcohol,coffee,smoking, fried and fatty food and food that causes bloating. Sleep with elevated upper body,dont sit or lay after meal at least 2 hours. Regulate your body weight.
Usually there is improvement on these measures .If not,you should definitely do gastroscopy to rule out hiatal hernia and colonoscopy to rule out IBD and other bowel disorders.
WIsh you good health. Feel free to ask. Regards