Painful Bowel Movement, Greenish Stool. Treatment?
This morning I woke up with the urge to have a bowel movement (as I do every morning), except this time it was much different. It was extremely painful, so much so that I actually had to stop myself from having it. I noticed it is green-ish in color and looks a bit like sand. It's extremely painful and I'm nervous about trying to pass it. Is there anything I can do to soften it up so that I can pass it without the sever pain? Thanks!
This is not an uncommon issue which happens from time to time. It does not mean you have any medical problem going on and most likely reflects that you need to drink some more water.
To address the more immediate problem I suggest you take a teaspoon of olive oil by mouth in addition to 3 or 4 glasses of 8 ounces of water. Also you can purchase an over the counter stool softener called bisacodyl or Senokot. This is available at most pharmacies. This will help soften things for you.
If the urge to have a bowel movement becomes more uncomfortable you could apply a small mount of lubricant such as KY jelly to the anal region which might make passing the movement easier. Very likely it is just the last inch or two of the feces that is very rough in texture with the remaining part of the stool most likely softer and thinner.
I thank you again for the query and hope my response has been informative If you have any additonal concerns I would be happy to address or review them.
Dr. Galamaga