Painful Corns On Feet. Remedy?
Thanks for posting your query
Corns are skin thickening due to pressure on a particular area.They are usually formed due to ill fitting footwear,high heels or due to abnormal toe shape.
So the main stay is to relieve the pressure on that area.
Some measures for you:
1)Soak the corn in warm water and Epsom salt for 5 to 10 minutes at least 3 times a day.This will soften it and will lessen the pain.
2)Rub it with pumice stone so that some of its soft part is removed.
3)Wear proper fitting sandals/shoes and avoid waering high heels for sometime.
4)Apply a good moisturiser or lotion containing lanolin on the corns.
5)While walking you can use corn pads of foam to ease pain.
6)Avoid using OTC available corn caps as they contain Salicyclic acid and can worsen the condition instead of improving.
7)A fresh slice of lemon can be tied over the corn at night and allowed to remain there the whole night.It helps in dissolving.
8)You can also apply raw papaya juice over it 3 times a day.
If the symptoms are persistent then consider visiting a Physician for evaluation as sometimes antibiotics are required for treating them and rarely surgery is the alternative.
Hope this information is adequate.I will be available for follow up in case of doubt.