Painful Lump, Sensitive To Touch, Shooting Pain In Neck. Cancer?
My name is XXXXXXX and I'm 27 years old .I got yesterday at night very painful little lump.
It is similar to burning XXXXXXX but I do not remember I burn myself.
For better look I send you pictures, there you can see all:)
The place around is very painful . When I touch my skin it is extremely sensitive .
Also the pain is shooting to neck and the same pain occurring .
Please can you tell me , Whats going on?
I m afraid about some cancer or something bad:)
I have problem with infections all the time , that's why i got problem with lymp system .
Thank you
Thanks for the query
First of all let me tell you right away that it does not look like cancer.
I could have helped you better if you had told me which part of the body that picture belongs to
The picture what I saw suggests severe inflammation of the skin and small lump looks like folliculitis.
Please do the following
1. Visit a dermatologist for a physical examination
2. Avoid scratching the area
3. Wear loose clothes over the area
4. Keep the area clean
5. Tablets like levocetrizine and aceclofenac will help reduce the pain and inflammation please visit your doctor before taking it
6. Cold packs over the area will also help
I hope I have answered your query, if there are no further queries please accept my answer.
I wish you a speedy recovery
It is really extremely painful and The pain is spreading more and more over the chest and neck.
When i move my eyes the pain is even there....
Strange symptoms ,looks like infection ......
Thank you and I hope it will stop some day
Thanks for reverting back.
The most common cause of your symptoms is folliculitis. This is caused by an infection of the hair follicle by a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus.
I would suggest the following:
• Hot fomentation on the lesion ( using a warm cloth) will help relieve the pain and will promote drainage
• Topical antibiotics (to be applied locally on the lesion) like mupirocin would also be needed.
• Oral antibiotics like cloxacillin may be required.
• To reduce the pain, you can take tablet aspirin 325 mg with food as and when required.
• Keep the area clean and dry
These are prescription drugs and can be given once you have been examined by your primary care physician
The lesion on the chest cannot explain the pain in the eyes and neck.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further follow up queries.