Painful, Swollen Areas Under Clavicles, Lumps In Neck, Breast Pain, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, Subcutaneous Lipomas, Diarrhea. What Do You Think?
I think I forgot to tell you I suffer from fluid retention in my legs, hands, and abdomen. I take Fusemide 40 mg to try to control the fluid retention. I also suffer from asthma.
A suggestion made to me was my abnormal fat distribution fits the profile for Madelung's disease??? Do you think this is a possibility?
Fluid retention can occur in the endocrine conditions I described previously and therefore testing for those is worthwhile.
MRI brain does not always focus on the pituitary closely enough. A special view is needed for that which is performed only upon request. Moreover, the tests I described above are more important and scientifically recommended even before embarking upon MRI studies.