Penis Stayed Red Around The Hole After Playing. Why?
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The redness of penis hole after playing could have occurred due to abrasion of the penis during the oral sexual encounter. Since the penis is a highly vascular organ, any slight superficial injury will appear like a red or bluish "Angry" looking lesion. But this is a benign condition and heal on its own and subside on its own.
Application of 1 % Hydrocortisone cream to the red and inflammed part of the penis might help reduce the discomfort and sensitivity.
In addition taking medication like Ibuprofen 400 mg three times a day will help in early resolution of the symptoms.
In case the sex was provided by a person not known to you, the chances of STDs could be higher. In such a situation testing for STDs including gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes would be helpful to prevent further spread of infection and more complications.
In addition development of symptoms including fever, mucopurulent discharge, burning micturition, ulceration, bleeding from the discolored areas of the penis and enlarged lymph nodes in the groin are symptoms that you should watch out for. In such a situation consulting a doctor for an examination and STD testing might be helpful.
I hope this answers your query effectively.
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The feeling you are having may be due to mild irritation locally due to mild infection. If the symptoms aggravate, systemic antibiotics may be needed. You may get a routine urine examination done to find out the possible infection.
Hope my answer is helpful.
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