Pimples Appeared On Base Of Skull. What Could It Be?
A few months ago, a pretty large blind pimple (tender and red) formed on the back of my neck slightly below the base of my skull. Unfortunately, I picked and squeezed at it a lot, but nothing ever came out of it. After a couple weeks, it finally subsided into a small, soft lump. Three months later it's still there. I notice that it seems to be much more soft in the morning (almost unnoticeable) but becomes a bit more stiff at night.
I'm wondering what this could be? Is it left over scar tissue under the skin from all the squeezing and picking?
From your detailed history & cliical description, it seems to be some sort of hair follicle structure that was squeezed & ruptured & formed a 'cystic' lesion accounting for the swelling & stiffness alternating. Going by the site, a furuncle leading onto a carbuncle is also possible. A third diagnosis could be an entity called keloidalis follicularis nuchae which is again a hair follicle associated lesion that becomes as you rightly put a scar like tissue.
All three conditions are benign & are nothing to worry about but the easiest approach is to visit a dermatologist or your local surgeon & have the lesion excised in toto at this stage before contiguous hair follicles get affected. Alternatively, one may try an adapalene based cream/gel for local application on the spot evenings for a period of 2-3 weeks.
Trust this will have given you a clear idea of what it could be, prognosis & its management. Do close this query if it clears your doubt & all the best & do hope the outcome is satisfactory & you continue to enjoy a healthy skin! Cheers!
Dr Praveen Rodrigues MD