Please Can You Help Interpret My CT Scan Results 1.
1. Large lesion noted inferiorly within the right lobe of liver. An
underlying tumor is suspect. Possibly there is primary hepatocellular
carcinoma. The tumor may have broken through the liver capsule into
the adjacent peritoneum. One may consider correlation with
alpha-fetoprotein levels.
2. Small pleural effusions with bibasilar consolidation in this
patient with scattered small nodules at the lung bases, suspicious for
metastatic disease.
3. Small amount of fluid within the inferior peritoneal reflection.
Noting the presence of a liver lesion which is extended through the
capsule, possibly the fluid is malignant.
4. Scattered retroperitoneal adenopathy with slight left inguinal
5. 1.6 cm nodule anterior to the manubrium with two small nodules
seen in the subcutaneous fat of the right lower flank and a 1 cm
nodule superficial to the superior right gluteus medius. Metastatic
disease within the subcutaneous fat is suspect..
6. 1.3 cm lymph node prevascular space with another similar lymph
nodes noted within the superior root of the mesentery.
7. 1.5 cm indeterminate left adrenal nodule. This may simply
represent an adenoma although metastatic disease enters the
differential diagnosis.
8. 3.3 cm left adnexal cyst.
9. Scattered atherosclerotic calcifications.
10. Degenerative changes spine.
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Hi therr,
Thanks for follow up,
The reports I am sorry but are not good
1)In right side of liver the nodule they can see looks like malignant cancer(harmful) in CT scan.However CT is not 100% accurate for liver so if it is malignant liver would increase secreting Alfa feto proteins in blood which would cause it's levels to surge up in blood.Therefore this blood report should be done.
However the oncologists are now going to take out a sample of the tissue and would study it under a microscope to know the stage of cancer this is 100% diagnostic test called Biopsy.
2)There are small nodules in lungs which may be the cancer cells of liver migrating to lungs.Metastatic cells start migrating to various parts of body.A PET scan would be done by oncologist to see other organs involved.
3)Every organ is surrounded by later of membrane called capsule.Malignant cells break them and move to other organs as in your case.
4,5,6,7)Usually the harmful cells travels by blood or lymph vessels.Lymph vessels have nodes at various point to stop any harmful cell from migrating.As liver cells are continuously migrating lymph nodes of various regions are swollen.
Immediate Oncology consultation.
PET scan
Biopsy of liver
Don't panic.
Let's hope for the best and mountains of luck for you.
Go for these tests and oncology consultation.
Follow up with reports.
Thank you and wish you luck and fast recovery.