Please Look At These Ultrasound Report
of any abnormality? Is the waveform abnormal?
Need more details.
Detailed Answer:
I hope you can understand that the images posted by you are sections taken during the entire process of ultrasound of upper abdomen which means that if complete process took. 20 minutes these 5 images represents 5 seconds of those.
Now ultrasound is a very subjective test in easy words if a person is chronic alocoholic and his liver is showing fatty changes then it's something to worry about however the same person if is above 35 and show mild moderate fatty changes and is non alcoholic then it's called aging.
Before giving any opinion biased on 5 images I would like to know your history!
Precisely why was the process done?
Are you there for normal check up?
History of alcohol smoking or any gastro related problem?
Hope you can understand that just by seeing some images one can't comment on a person's health.
Please follow up with details!
What is this? LIver issues? Thyroid issues? I have had my thyroid labs checked last year?