Question: Please please dear respected DOCTOR read all the words in detail and answer as many question to all my explanation because I really am worried and so may god bless you! I will now also attach a ECG and blood tests they took to see if heart it ok. As I said during that time nothing happened but also let me know if there is any more test I must go and take to be sure I have a healthy heart and no problems. Like the diagnosis tests to see if heart is ok or not even if I'm at rest and heart is beating ok. Symptoms are: heart
palpitation and continuous non stop neck crack that pains my
cervical spine also. I randomly have episodes of heart palpitations , one time I jumped 3 feet out of my bed suddenely being shocked by a hard fast beating heart palpitation that lasted for 7 seconds that's was to scary it felt my heart was going to burst out of my chest and the beat reach my upper chest to my throat and neck, its not a heartbeat that we get from playing sports , it was a weird episode of heart beats, after that incident in months , maybe a year I then got episode of heart palpitations like that intensity but this time it lasted for 15 minutes going and coming with sweat only! Then after that I just get them randomly while sleeping and awake for 1 or 2 seconds and now mostly when I pee standing up it also appears for a quick seconds and goes!! I did
ct scan and sonar heart tests and all doctors said my heart is fine, I also wore a holter scan for 24 hours and still results say my heart is normal, but the issue here while doing the tests and wearing the 24 hour holter I surprisingly had no heart palpitations. I am really worried, can you educate me in what test I have to do, it's ok il agree to do all the test to check the heart but I just want to know what are the names of tests I should be doing, arteries, heart, etc.. When I shower I get tired a bit and have heartbeats that aren't palpitations they are just heart beating as if I am playing a sport , soccer or something, i get that quick beats when I pee, when I pray going on floor, when I walk up one simple set of stairs, and right before closing my eyes and full crashing to sleep I then suddenly wakeup having heartbeats it's like brain telling me not to sleep as soon as I close my eyes falling into sleep it starts again, when I laugh hard it beats like I'm playing sports, every small activity causes my heart to beat normal but the heartbeat speed is like when I'm playing sports and running!! And as I mentioned sometimes get quick palpitations that are different than fast heartbeats , it's like my heart is racing to get out of throat for second or so. Another really really MAIN concern I am so worried about is that in my chest in my lungs I feel a window of 1 to 3 seconds of tingly or bubbly feeling that reaches my throat , it has no pain and it is not
heartburn, and it appears always, like every 1 minute or sometimes every 5 or 10 mins or more and sometime for seconds. It's a feeling of a very small lighting or like a line that slowly traveling from my chest up my throat then back down to chest and gives me sometimes a closed throat or cry throat feeling for split second then goes back down to chest!! When I go to bathroom or other sudden moments , my chest suddenly just for 2 second have a heavy pressure acompanied with back soreness and heart palpitation just for 2 seconds and it goes but when the feeling goes away then my heart is still just beating like playing a sport, I am concerned to what that feeling is?? Please try to answer every concern with detail and care cause whenever I ask online or go to a doctor they just say nothing and dont give details or let me know the right tests needed to be certain that my heart is not in a threat! I would do follow up and send you images of tests What should I do!! I have incredible
stress and
anxiety , I sleep 10am someitnes 11am and wake up 6pm and cycle repeats. Think alot and afraid of what will happen. If there is a way I can send you ecg and blood test let me know. Thank you