Pregnant. Noticed Yellowing Fingernails. Blood Test Done. Will This Have Any Affect On Baby?
You are correct, the labs might take longer to get back than it will take to get you delivered. There are other lab abnormalities associated with cholestasis, though. Your doctor needs to assume that this could be the case and you need to be seen and the following needs to happen:
1. You need to go ahead and have the bile salts drawn
2. You need tests of liver function drawn
3. You need to have your baby monitored ASAP to assess fetal well-being - this can be done by putting you on the monitor and also doing an ultrasound to check fluid levels. You can also have an ultrasound done that is called a "biophysical profile". This is also an excellent way to assess fetal well being.
Given how far along you are, and given the risks to the fetus of cholestasis of pregnancy, and given the inability to make the diagnosis before Monday, I think it would be reasonable to assume a worst case scenario and ask for a delivery tomorrow - this must be discussed with your doctor - this is not medical advice, just a thought process whereby you can make an informed decision with your doctor.
I hope this helps!
The yellow nails might be a sign of jaundice. This can be an indication of liver disease. If you had jaundice you would also notice yellowing of the whites of your eyes. Definitely bring this all to the attention of your doctor.
Let me know what happens!