Pregnant. Unable To Sleep Properly Due To Baby Kick. Should I Be Worried?
Thanks for writing to us on health care magic.
I will try to answer your query one by one.
1. Recommend a sleeping position or why she feels pain. Ideally speaking she needs to sleep turning to her left side. If this is not possible then i recommend her to sleep with head end raised position. In simple words, ask her to keep 2 pillows below head and one pillow below shoulder.
2. How to predict that her labor is on the way? When labor is on the way, she feels more tired, labor pains become more painful and frequent, Pelvic pressure increases, Frequency of urination also increases. You need to go to hospital when she experiences pain every 5 minutes, If there is bleeding per vagina, leaking fluid per vagina or decreased fetal movements.
3. Is there anything to be worried? There is nothing to be worried about as this is very common problem in pregnancy due to stretching ligaments. As fetal movements are good, she need not worry. Ask her to enjoy her pregnancy and relax.
Take care and wish you both good luck.
Dr Nilofer
What is the reason for less fetal activity at times? Is there anything to be concerned? My wife said that she has been experiencing less fetal activity yesterday night and only today morning around Four Clock she felt the baby kicks.
Thanks for follow up query.
Fetal movements are less when fetus is at sleep.
Total number of fetal movements of atleast 10 in 12 hours is considered normal.
If there is subjective feeling of low fetal movements, then i suggest you to get a ultrasound for fetal well being at the earliest.
Hope this helps,
Dr Nilofer