Pregnant With Burning Stomach And Regurgitating Food. Unable To Swallow Food. Any Suggestion?
You said that you had an appointment with the doctor on
Dec.31st. I hope you were given a good examination after
getting a thorough history from you. I see that you are on
tratment for ulcerative colitis. I am sure that you are being
monitored with blood tests including kidney and liver tests
and a complete blood count.
This type of colitis does not affect the stomach. On the
other hand, if you had Crohn's disease, that can involve
any portion of the gastro-intestinal tract from mouth down
to the anus. Your symptoms suggest more of GERD and
gastritis. Just the fact that chocolate,citrus juice,tomatoes
make your symptoms worse is a sure sign of acid sensitivity.
Now that you mention some difficulty with swallowing is a bit
of concern. This might indicate that there is considerable
inflammation at the lower esophagus, may be ulcers or erosion
and possible scarring or narrowing (Stricture). Liquids are
passing through but with solids you have problem.
You will need an x-ray of the upper GI tract and most likely
an endoscopic evaluation to look at the lining of the lower
esophagus and stomach with appropriate biopsies. If the
reflux symptoms have been present for several months and
not treated, there could be considerable damage . We have
to look for Barrett's esophagus, a pre-cancerous condition
of the esophagus. All these can be treated with appropriate
medications and modification in your dietary habits.
I wish you well.