Reason For Dark Pigmentation On Penis And Pubic Area?
My question is my penis and pubic area is very black in comparison to other body parts so i would like to know the reason and how to lighten these area quick?
Thanks for writing in.
Ive gone through the image uploaded.
The penis or male genitalia is usually darker or black in color normally .It is due to increased melanocytes in these area.Melanocytes are pigment producing cells which produce melanin ,which gives black color to genitalia.
There is nothing to be worried about as the black color is normal for this part of the body.
Further friction or rubbing the skin repeatedly increases the darkness of skin.
So avoid rubbing the area.
There is no effective treatment for bringing fairness to this part as the pigmentation is physiological or normally present.
You can apply COSGLO gel at night time area without rubbing.
It will achieve some degree of fairness in few months time.
Hope this helps.
I will be available for follow up.
My question is how girls have brighter skin in genital area?
One Dermatologist adviced me to use kojivit cream in penis is it a good cream?
My second question is why male have more pubic hair then girls?
why melanin production is higher in genital parts why not the other parts?
Why there is no treatment to reduce pigmentation of that part?
should i use melalite xl cream to reduce pigmentation of that area?
As u said that is normal in male but i am not agree with that bcoz i ve seen from internet and in movies that not all male have darken skin in that area how?
Please do clear my doubts
Kojivit cream is similar to Cosglo gel which i advised you.You can use any of the two.
I would not suggest you to apply melalite XL as it is very strong cream and may cause irritation and burn the tender skin of penis.
Pubic hair are also present in girls only pattern is different.In males due to the hormone testosterone the pubic hair are more in quantity and color is darker.
That is also the reason why there is increase in pigmentation.
Dont go by what you have seen on internet as they have european and other ethnic people who have overall fair skin and as a result pubic skin is also fair.
Skin color also depends on race and ethnicity.European skin is fairer than indian.You should not compare yourself to them as you are indian.
They also undergo regular bleaching process to decrease the hair and reduce darkness of skin.
If you are so much concerned about skin color of private parts you can undergo bleaching and laser hair reduction.It will decrease the hair as well as the pigmentation.
Hope this clears your doubts.
I will be available for follow up.
i would really like to know that there is no other treatment available to reduce pigmentation of that part why?
As i know that there are so many treatment available to treat pigmentation other part of the body so why there is no treatment available to treat that part?
i m not taking here about european and other ethnic people even maximum indians also have a brighter pubic skin how?
There are many treatments available for reducing the pigmentation of skin of this part.
These include microdermabrasion,chemical peeling,laser hair removal,laser peels,glycolic acid creams(glyco A 12 cream),bleaches,Intense pulse light therapy etc.
These are easily available at dermatology clinics.You can visit any dermatology or cosmetic clinic near you and undergo these treatments at your convenience.
Any modality usually requires 5-6 sittings at interval of 15 days.
Cost treatment varies from place to place and clinic to clinic.
You may undergo any of these treatments to improve the color of specific body part.
Hope this helps.
I will be available for follow up.