Red Spots With White Covering Were Observed On My Penis Head
Some 2-3 small pin head sized red spots with white covering were observed on my penis head. Later they started expanding in size with white border and red flat inside. The white boder is easy to peel off. No blood or pus or liquid inside. Is it a Candida infection. How to treat this. Can you please prescribe any OTC medication.
Thankyou Sir.
Could be due to infection of Glans Penis (Ballanitis)
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have
I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments
1) Did you have Oral Sex very recently?
Based on the photograph that you have uploaded it seems to be infection of Glans Penis (Ballanitis)
Take antibiotic like Doxicycline twice daily along with anti inflamatory drug Diclofenac twice daily for five days.
Wash your genitals with water twice daily ,Do not use any chemical or soap .
Use topical ointment like Neosporin twice daily for local application .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Start the medicines suggested at earliest
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
It seems to be Balanitis and should get resolved with medicines suggested within a week
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Patil