Red Urine After Orgasm, Difficulty Urinating. History Of Red Mucus And Red Urine After Orgasm
thanks for posting on XXXXXXX
It is quite obvious you are having a urogenital problem which might be due to infection, cancer or a stone. Sexual intercourse just seem to have revealed a preexisting condition or might have been the origin.
In either case (given your age), it will be quite difficult to tell which is actually the cause of your problems, without running some specific tests such as a urine analysis, complete blood count, kidney function tests and a kidney CT scan.
These are done in order to determine the actual cause.
Given, your description, it is possible that you are having an infection which can be treated with antibiotics. The infection might be an STD, so you will definitely need to be screened for STD.
I suggest you see a doctor as soon as you can for proper evaluation.
Hope that his helps and wish you the best.