Regular Period. Bleeding Normally. Bleeding After Sex Again. Why?
Thanks for posting your query.
There are couple of possibilities in your case.
1. Hormonal variation-which has led to bleeding again
2. Some trauma to the local part-may be due to improper lubrication etc.
3. Infection in private parts.
Any of this can lead to this kind of bleeding after intercourse.
What you should do is,
In case, the bleeding was very light and you are not having any other major complaints at present, you can prefer to wait. In case this happens again or it continuous then you have to visit a doctor.
Visit a gynaecologist and get your self examined for any local problem. At times some minor infection or scratch in the area can lead to this. Proper evaluation and treatment are needed in such cases.
There is nothing to get alarmed, but please do not ignore if this happens again or the bleeding continues.
I hope this helps and clarify your concern.
Do write again if you have something more to ask.
In case you do not have further query, please accept the answer.