Regular Sweating In Palms And Feet
Thanks for the query.
What you are suffering from is most probably hyperhydrosis and to be more specific palmo-plantar type of hyperhydrosis.
The cause of hyperhydrosis can be divided into primary and secondary.
Primary hyperhydrosis are caused by genetic inheritance. It becomes evident during adolescents and is triggered by hot climates, spicy food and anxiety.
Secondary hyperhydrosis is caused most commonly is thyroid and pituitary disorders, diabetes and heart failure.
I would like you to XXXXXXX a physician to rule out the secondary causes of hyperhydrosis to initiate treatment.
Treatment of hyperhydrosis is using anti-perspirants like aluminium chloride at higher concentrations.
Axillary hyperhydrosis is tackled by using botulinum toxin (Botox) and surgical removal of sweat glands.
In your particular case endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy can be done to relieve palmar sweating. Here the nerve supply to the sweat glands is ablated so that the sweat glands don’t function.
Please discuss this with your doctor after ruling out secondary causes of hyperhydrosis.
I hope I have answered your query, if you have no further queries please accept my answer.
I wish you good health.