Report Showed Left Upper Lobe Mass Contiguous To The Left Subclavian Artery. What Does It Mean?
From the information you have sent it appears that the radiologist has found some type of mass or growth within The upper part of your long. This mass appears to be very close to the blood vessels which you mentioned.
The main concern in this case is that this mass represents some type of cancer. This might include some type of primary lung cancer or possibly Lymphoma. It's possible this could be a collection of scar tissue as well.
The main way to obtain diagnosis is with a biopsy. I'm sure your doctors will discuss this with you. A biopsy can be performed and when tissue is obtained a skilled pathologist can provide accurate diagnostic impressions which will help your doctors determine what needs to be done next.
Thanks again for sending a question. Please let me know if you have any additional specific concerns.
Dr. Galamaga