Seeing Oily Waves In Front Of My Sight, Worsens In Daylight. What Is Wrong With My Eyes?

I would like to know if ANY doctor in the world can please tell me, what is wrong with my eyes.
I've been consulting two different doctors here in Denmark, where I live. I've been examined by an eye specialist/ oculist two times. I've consulted a Nutrition expert, a physiotherapist and a homeopath - just to find someone who can tell me what it is, that I am experiencing.
The thing is - that I see waves. It looks like oily waves gliding in front of my sight - pretty much all the time. It is worst when I'm out in day light, and especially when the sun is shining. I love being out, when the sun is shining, but for the last 5 month or so, I have tried to stay indoors as much as possible, during the day time, because this phenomenon is freaking me out.
It's like when I look at something in front of me - a person, the water, the sky -anything with a lighter color/tone, I very clearly see this oily... mucus-like blot/splotch gliding around - almost like it's located in the space between the thing I am looking at, and my actual eye. Like 3D. When I move my eye around, 'the splotch' twitches and moves with the eye, and then when I keep the eye still it almost floats around 'in front of my eye'.
Since I was a child I remember sometimes when looking at the sky, I could see these little spots - like black/dark spots situated right in the center of the sight, and then I could follow it/them as they glided down towards the bottom, of the eye. I went to a doctor, who then told me that this was totally normal, and I talked to a lot of people who all knew this phenomenon, and so I didn't worry one bit.
Now.. - this thing I'm experiencing now, is very different, from the little black spot, i noticed as a child. This is big splotches (I hope that is the word for it), that are looking like waves or like someone dropped a big splash of oil, in some water.
It does not look the same everytime I see it - sometimes it's vertical, sometimes it's horizontal and at times it's more like a round blot.. Even sometimes - especially if I clench my eyes together, towards the light/the sun - I see, very clearly - a round blot with thousands of little spots in it. Looks like when you look at a drop of liquids, in a microscope, and you see all the little cells in the drop of liquids. (Loaded a picture of what I could find on the internet, that kind of looks like it)...
I feel like it is mostly in the right side, of my right eye, but when I close my right eye, my left eye also sees this. Therefore I guess it is not something local, on just one eye...
I don't have a lot more information to tell you about this, as I do not have any clue to what it can be. I have contact lenses, and It's neither better or worse, wearing them. I see the phenomenon just as clearly either way..
The only other thing that might be usefull for anyone trying to help me solve this, could be telling you that I feel like it gets a tiny bit worse when I'm looking down. For an example, if I'm standing up, looking on a person sitting down, or looking at a paper in my hand, trying to read something.
It is very disturbing. Not only because I am so so scared of what this is; Why has is just developed suddenly? Why is it not getting better? Why doesn't anybody I know suffer from this, if this is a normal thing!?
It makes me unconcentrated.. it scares me. I can't enjoy the nice summer with my friends, because I won't go outside, while the sun is shining. Sometimes I even get disoriented, because it seems like something still, that I am looking at, is moving (because of the gliding splotch, moving).
Also I feel that I often have difficulties focusing. Especially when I'm reading. Both on the computer, and in a magazine for an example. It feels like my eyes are tired, or can't cooperate, to bring together the text... I don't know if this has anything to do with the phenomenon, I'm asking about...
I'm scared, and I'm unhappy, as no one seems to know anything. I've searched the internet, I've consulted anyone I can think of. I feel very alone, with this problem. I am afraid of getting blind, as I feel like this is slowly getting worse, and I can't do anything to stop it. I'm afraid that this will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Please, I need someone to tell me what this is, and what to do about it!!?
My homeopath is the only one who has even thrown me a guess, and he says that it could be mucus in the mucous membranes, in my eyes, that I can see - probably because they are filled up, and I need to do a detox. Is this possible? - and if yes, then please tell me how to treat it...
Thank you so much, in advance
best regards
XXXXXXX Denmark.
Thanks for sending your query to us ,i really appreciate the very elaborate way in which you have described it ,it has been most helpful.
This is not mucus.These are small fibrils ,which were very light coloured in the begining and later in life they becme slightly darker and as you rightly said of varying shapes.
Since they are floating in a jelly like fluid which is of the consisting of white of an uncooked egg,it seems like floating in the with a time lag.What happens that when you look on one side it is after a fraction of a second that these fibrils follow.
We call them floaters.They are so innocuous that most of the time we do not trear them.We only reassure the patient and ask them not to follow them and be on a lookout then they never go away.
Do not worry.Ignore them.
If these bother the patient too much or when they are coming in frint of letters then we treat them with 500 mg.of vitamin C orally per day for about 6 weeks.
We attach a lot of significance to them if 20-30 of them appear overnight,not in your case.
I feel i have answered your query fully but if you still have some query please do get back to us.

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