Shaft Of Penis Is Swollen Sore With Little Bumps. What Is The Cause?
It might actually be necessary to consult a physician for a proper clinical evaluation. however, certain notions in your past history might be useful. Have you have any unprotected sexual intercourse lately? Is this the first time you are experiencing this? Do you have any urethral discharge?
These questions are very important to discard or affirm a urogenital infection. Also, knowing whether you experience any pain when you urinate or not is important.
generally such symptoms are usually associated with urogenital tract infections. A clinical evaluation, past history and clear cut answers to the questions I just raised are usually sufficient to orient towards a probable diagnosis.
A urethral swab, test for syphillis, chlamydia, trachoma must be excluded in this case.
A physical examination done by a doctor is usually very sufficient.
I would suggest you consult your primary care physician immediately.
Thanks and best regards,
Do not hesitate asking any further questions if need be.
Luchuo, MD.