Should I Be Concerned About Excessive Sleepiness After Having Meals During The Day While On Hypertension Medication?
No reason for concern.
Detailed Answer:
You have no reason to worry. Sleepiness after eating is a common phenomenon which happens to many people in varying degrees. The main reason for it is the production of insulin in the body in response to food. Insulin in turn is thought to increase melatonin (a sleeping hormone) as well as the amount of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain which leads to increased levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin also a sleep inducer. Another reason is that the digestive process in itself is energy consuming even though it is something happening unconsciously.
Some other possible causes would include anemia or low thyroid function, but usually there would be other symptoms. However, can be excluded through a simple blood test. Food allergies would be another possible cause, but again would have other digestive symptoms.
If it's something really bothering you some tips would include smaller more frequent meals, regularly eating breakfast, avoid processed and starch containing foods, avoid too much sugar, consume as much high fiber foods such as legumes, nuts, whole grains.
I hope to have been of help.