Should I Be Worried About Two Large Lumps In The Pubic Area?
Does not look serious as per the history you have provided.
Detailed Answer:
The most probable cause of such lumps is sebaceous cyst formation in the pubic area. Small cysts can have infection and thus increase in size, till then not visible or palpable due to obesity/excessive fat in this area.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Apply liquid Povidone Iodine locally to keep the area sterile.
You can consult your Doctor or a General Surgeon to have an actual clinical examination to know the exact diagnosis so that further management can be planned if needed.
I hope this answers your query.
Please feel to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
Please give follow-up.
You may please let me know the following:
Any color changes in skin?
Are the lumps freely mobile/ fixed to skin? fixed to underlying structures?
Any other information please.
Take care.