Should I Be Worried For Report Of ECG Which Showed Left Axis Deviation?
I would explain as follows:
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concern and would like to explain that left axis deviation needs further clinical investigation.
Though it may be just a simple cardiac axis deviation due to body habitus like in the case of overweight, lung disorders, etc. it may also be an expression of certain cardiac disorders like ventricular fascicular block, left ventricular hypertrophy, etc.
Clinical judgement and cardiac ultrasound test would be helpful in this regard.
Your family practitioner is right, a direct contact with a cardiologist is advisable.
Hope to have been helpful to you!
Please, let me know in case of any further questions.
Kind regards,
Dr. Ilir Sharka
There is no reason to panic!
Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
The body weight plays an important rone in cardiac axis and it is true that loosing weight will help in this regard.
From the other hand, as you have no symptoms, there is no reason to panic!
I recommend following a healthy diet to help you loose weight and consulting with your cardiologist when it will be possible in order to perform a cardiac ultrasound, which is a more accurate tool to examine the heart function and structure.
Hope you will find this information helpful!
Wishing all the best,
Dr. Iliri