Should I Be Worried When ALT And AST Levels Are Three Times Higher Than Their Normal Count?
Go for ultrasound abdomen.
Detailed Answer:
ALT and AST Enzymes level 3 times the normal value or more is clinically significant.
As the age of a person increases fat began's to accumulate in various parts of the body like blood vessels (atherosclerosis) or liver (fatty liver). Its natural and a part of the process called aging.
However in some patients usually obese or sedentary these changes may be there at an early age also. The amount of fatty acid in the liver depends on the balance between the processes of delivery and removal. As the age increases the number of transporter cells which carry fat from the liver to peripheral parts(for utilization decreases); Causing increased deposition of these fatty acids in the blood.
You should go for an ultrasound abdomen to rule out the fatty liver.
Please follow up with ultrasound report. Feel free to ask further.