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Should I Need To Continue With Med For Cholesterol When Its Under Control ?

Posted on Fri, 19 Apr 2024
Question: I did a Echo cardiogram just a casual checkup and i am attaching my results Just want to know your opinion doctor.
I dont have Hypertension / Diabetes
I did have cholestrol of 300 , reduced it to 241 with diet a month ago and am continuing Low carb diet
Not taking any medicines
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I would recommend as follows:

Detailed Answer:

I understand your concern and would explain that considering your age and your elevated cholesterol levels it is important taking a statin Atorvastatin.

Regarding cardiac arrhythmia, it is important performing an exercise cardiac stress test in order to investigate on possible coronary artery disease and some blood lab tests tests: complete blood count for anemia, thyroid hormone levels, blood electrolytes.

If all the above tests result normal, taking a beta blocker ( metoprolol) will be needed.

You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests and treatment options.

Hope you will find this information helpful!

I remain at your disposal in case of further questions whenever you need!

Kind regards,

Dr. Ilir Sharka, cardiologist
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ilir Sharka (1 hour later)

THanks so much .
How does the Echo report that i have sent look ?

Also if am able to keep the cholesterol level below 200 with Diet and if i monitor it every month would i still need statins ?

I will take the ECG tests pointed by you .. i did use my apple watch and took the ECG it showed normal though.

Can you also tell me why do i need beta blockers ? My Blood pressure is normal and i dont take any BP medicines.
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (4 days later)
Brief Answer:
I would recommend as follows:

Detailed Answer:
Hello again!

If your blood pressure values and cholesterol levels are within normal ranges with diet or natural supplements, it is ok not to take antihhypertension therapy or statins.

Regarding your heart rate, magnesium supplements can help prevent cardiac arrhythmia.

Anyway an ambulatory ECG Holter monitoring would help examine your heart rhythm trends for a prolonged period of time and indicate if there is real need for beta blockers.

Hope you will find this information helpful!

Kind regards,

Dr. Iliri

P.s: sorry for the delay in answering!
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention, click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Ilir Sharka


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Should I Need To Continue With Med For Cholesterol When Its Under Control ?

Brief Answer: I would recommend as follows: Detailed Answer: Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that considering your age and your elevated cholesterol levels it is important taking a statin Atorvastatin. Regarding cardiac arrhythmia, it is important performing an exercise cardiac stress test in order to investigate on possible coronary artery disease and some blood lab tests tests: complete blood count for anemia, thyroid hormone levels, blood electrolytes. If all the above tests result normal, taking a beta blocker ( metoprolol) will be needed. You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests and treatment options. Hope you will find this information helpful! I remain at your disposal in case of further questions whenever you need! Kind regards, Dr. Ilir Sharka, cardiologist