Should We Be Concerned If Our Toddler Eats Only Baby Melts, Puffs And Crackers?
needs to be seen
Detailed Answer:
At 14 months, he should be eating everything everyone else is eating though the rate that this occurs may vary slightly from one child to the next.
The issue is that his diet would be restricted by the use of only soft foods and it may also, in some children, affect their speech.
This is the reason that his doctor may consider referring him to a speech therapist or/and occupational therapist.
Though it is best to try and change up his foods under the guidance of one of these specialist, you can try a few things at home. Instead of puree, you may try to grind the food up, not to chunks but the level just above puree.
Let him explore the food and get comfortable.
You may have to reduce the milk just slightly because if he is full with milk, he has no urge to try anything else
Most kids outgrow the problem with help so he should be okay once you are able to change the diet , at first slightly, with assistance.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
same muscles involved in eating as making sounds
Detailed Answer:
It relates to the development of oral motor skills of the cheeks, lips, tongue, mouth, jaw as they bite and chew and suck etc.
The muscles involved in eating are the same basically involved in making sounds
Please feel free to ask any other questions
possible but would need in depth assessment by occupational therapist
Detailed Answer:
It is understandable to be concerned
It is possible since he has some of the criteria but it would be best if he is seen and thoroughly assessed.
His pediatrician may be able to refer him to an occupational therapist who would be able to determine if this or any disorder is present