Sir I Am 42 Yrs Male. I Have Got Stapler
Please give additional information
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy and Mucopexy 8 days ago - more pain and itching - reddish mucus discharge - little watery stool - discharge start on getting up from bed - difficulty in passing urine - now on Oflon-O and Metrogyl cream - want to know when will it cure.
Please give additional information for me to assist you better:
What were the symptoms before surgery? Please provide details.
What was the finding told before surgery?
When has difficulty in passing urine start? Please give details.
Any anti-inflammatory medications with painkiller properties are you on?
Is the pain within anus/rectum or outside of anal canal? Any swelling?
Any constitutional symptoms like fever, chills or body ache or so?
Who operated you and in which city? Did any Ano-proctoscopy after surgery see inside?
Please give detailed feedback, your detailed history helps a lot.
As detailed. Control of IBS, take additional medications as detailed
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your detailed feedback.
IBS before surgery can cause more problems as it was already there. Stress and anxiety in general and along with surgery and anesthesia causes IBS to increase adding to the operative sequel. I hope you are getting my point of thought.
Hence you have to get a good control over IBS as a part of present treatment also. No stress and no anxiety, please relax and ask for medications for IBS if you were on it beforehand.
Noted the type of surgery done on you, which was indeed needed as per the information provided by by, that is grade 3 hemorrhoids and all.
Since the colon and rectum is loaded with bacteria there can be infection post-op and will be taken care of with Oflin O.
You may please continue with Voveran since you have swelling and pain.
Continue with Anometrogyl locally as advised.
Also take Pre and probiotics.
PPI Like Omeprazole.
Take rest, no haste as recovery has to be fine and complete.
Continue medications for IBS.
All these things done together will help you recover faster; please give feedback after 3 days of additional management as discussed above.
I hope this answer helps you.
Feel free to ask further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
Dr T Chandrakant.