Smoked Fake Weed, Sleeplessness, Dizziness, Weakness, Fast Heartbeat, Pressure In Head
Thanks for your query.
If its the weed ( Marijuana ) with a fake brand name, then need not worry the symptoms you have have are typical marijuana side-effects and it may last depending on the dosage.On an average the symptoms may wear off over 2 to 3 days, but still I would say it will be dose dependent.
If there is any progression in the severity of the symptoms you have now and if there is nausea , vomiting , increased hallucination do visit your doctor immediately.
But if its a fake weed and its not the actual Marijuana , then I would advice you to get examined at the earliest as the content of the weed you had is unknown and the possible cause can be made out after a detailed physical examination only.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries I will be available to answer them.
I had a bad trip on the fake marijuana and it left me light headed, I decided to quit smoking the fake stuff because of the way it made me feel. I waited two days and then I smoked real marijuana. The first day I was okay but on the second day my heart started beating fast and I had a panic attack as if I was smoking the fake stuff. I stop smoking both but every since that day I have been feeling out of it. My heart beats fast if I walk too long, or if I think about something scary. I still have the pressure in my head and my sight is slightly out of focus. I think I’m getting my appetite back, there is no more nausea or vomiting. I think I have tremors though.
Like I said, I won’t be able to see a real doctor for another 2 months, so my question to you is….. Will I be okay? After what I just told you do you think I will get better. I have been taking vitamin (C and B12) and I have been taking a supplement that help detoxify and regenerate the liver. I have been drinking a lot of water. I also just started taking acidophilus pills. Will I be okay…or do I need to quit my job and go home to see a doctor?
Thanks for getting back to me.
Yes, You will be ok as you are taking measures which will surely speed the process.It may not be permanent.My advice here would be not to get engaged in smoking again , at least for few weeks to avoid worsening of the condition.
Wish you good health.