Question: So I am a incomplete Quadriplegic so every thing came back besides my right hand limited mobility in right hand.i was shot in back and bullet went to my neck which instantly paralyzed me on April 2 2014.i have a rod and screw in my Neck.the doctors closed off one of my arteries in my neck..ok so flash forward to April 2019 I got a deep tissue
massage which I thought would make me feel better but the next day I felt really tired and a week passed and I was still tired then I felt a pain from low back down to my left thigh down to my feet it was a burning sensation
tingling sensation so I googled stuff and was pretty sure it was my
sciatic nerve which was hurting a month passed and the
sciatica was not getting better so I finally went to my doctor and he wanted to do a nerve test but I have to Wait a month in a I decided to go to my chiropractor to help me and the treatment that the chiropractor had me on started working so after a month in a half my sciatica was gone so I started going to the gym lost 35 pounds feeling really good but I started to use weights and just light forward two weeks ago I went to the gym on Tuesday got home and I had a 15 pound weight and was doing some hip exercises and curls and the next day I could tell something was wrong my low back was on fire and Wednesday that night I was sleeping I woke up and my bed was vibrating so I realized I was having spasms and ever since my
injury in 2014 I have spasms but never to this level . So a week passed and I was feeling my back and I could tell the left side was different then the middle to right side then I felt a bump on the middle to right side of my spine on my low back.then when ever I walk I could feel that bump move against whatever it’s touching which is causing major discomfort then I felt my whole body is tight from my low back to middle to upper to my neck and even my chest and stomach area and left and right side of stomach and my right side of stomach where the lungs are sore are just hurts so I saw my chiropractor he thinks it’s a
Lipoma in my lower back so I went to my doctor and he felt the bump and immediately said it was a spasm which didn’t make since to me,I never heard of a bump and didn’t feel like it’s Spazzing but I said ok and that was this Tuesday so my ? Is why am I so tight still after two weeks ?