Started Body Pain, Frequent Urination After Taking Metacard XI, And Atorsave D. What Should I Do?

Atorsave D 10 ( 001) every alterante day. Aloprax 0.5 mg ( 001 ) -problem BP 120/80, Cholestorel control, but body pain, frequent urination specially in the evening. Leg muscles are paining and weak. Not able to sit properly in the evening. I am sitting mostly in the office.
Before MEtacard Xl , i had trivial mitral valve prolapsed. later on cardiologist told it is alright and medicine has cured. But inspite of my request dr has not changed my medicine. for 2 months i am obseving my urine stream 2 or 3 during outflow sometimes. My age is 44 indian bengali living in south india.
Pl suggest me waht to do? . Evening i can't sit staightly i have to lie down.
Pl suggest me medically.
Thanks for writing in.
I am a qualified and certified cardiologist. I read your mail with diligence.
Each film coated tablet ofr atorsave D 10 contains: Atorvastatin Calcium equivalent to Atorvastatin 10mg Cholecalciferol IP 800 IU and Metacard XL 12.5 contains a B blocker Metoprolol 12.5 mg and Alprax contains Alpralazolam. All these can cause side effects. If these are severe in a given individual like muscle damage as with Atorvastatin then it needs to be substituted with different anti cholesterol drug. Apparently these side effects in your case are acceptable in the perception of your doctor and he/she thinks these outweigh the risks of not taking the medicines. Then you have two options ask the doctor again, the side effects will pass off. If you feel that you have waited enough take a second opinion and get alternative drugs prescribed (these can be Fenofibrate, Losartan and Clonazepam instead of Atorvastatin, Metoprolol and Alprazolam). Personally, I will chose first option but you know your body better and I have not examined you. Good Luck.
With best wishes.
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
http://www/ WWW.WWWW.WW

Losrtan dose required and whether it will cause any electrolyte disbalnce. Fenofibrate dose and power if alterante day it is taken will it be ok.
With present dose (Metacard xl 12.5) and others i am having body inflamation also.
i will going to my treating doctor with in a week. before that pl. suggest me what is to be done. Whether Metacard xl 12.5 withdrawl with losartan will cause any problem?
Is it possible to replace sleeping medicine altogether.
is it possible to give the another bp medicine ( 1 in morning and 1 in night)
Thank u.
Q:Losrtan dose required and whether it will cause any electrolyte disbalnce. Fenofibrate dose and power if alterante day it is taken will it be ok.
A:Losartan dose starts from 25 mg to 100 mg a day. As you were taking minimal dose of b blocker therefore, I assume to begin with 25 mg a day will be alright. Prescription decisions are to be taken by your doctor.
Q:With present dose (Metacard xl 12.5) and others i am having body inflamation also.
i will going to my treating doctor with in a week. before that pl. suggest me what is to be done. Whether Metacard xl 12.5 withdrawl with losartan will cause any problem?
A:NO withdrawal from 12.5 mg metoprolol does not cause withdrawal symptoms/signs
Q:Is it possible to replace sleeping medicine altogether.
A: Absolutely yes.
Q: is it possible to give the another bp medicine ( 1 in morning and 1 in night)
A: In treating BP there is no drug of choice but there is choice of drugs. Your doctor is the best best person to choose. I can only suggest. Yes there are medicines which can be taken twice daily. You can discuss each with your doctor. Like Ramipril, Enalapril and so on.
If you have any follow up question please ask I will be happy to answer. Otherwise close the query with comments and stars. Good Luck.
Dr Anil Grover

My treating cardilogist is an asst prof. of a govt medical college of Tamil Nadu.
He is not interested to change the BP medicine, although he has changed the other
medcines as advised by u.
IS it safe to B complex tab regualrly as i am taking Cholestorel Reduction medicine.
Any BP medicine in night time to avoid sleeping medicine can be suggested. Are the side effects becasuse of Medicine or age or narrowed vein and age.
once i was tested for ra +VE (26 VALUE) 2 YRS BACK, AFTER STARTING WITH aTORSAVE d 10,but my cardiologist told to ignore if there is no joint pain. i have no joint pain, sometimes my Uric acid level hoversd in the range of 7.1 to 7.5.
Pl. suggest waht to do. How to keep my kidney safe for future. i think due to MEtacard Xl my urination frequency is more.
How losartan action is different from Metacard XL ?
Pl. suggest me. to recover my body pain.
Thanks for writing back.
Q: He is not interested to change the BP medicine, although he has changed the
other medcines as advised by u.
A: Please politely ask him the reason and quote my name Dr Anil Grover,ex Professor
& Head, Department of cardiology, PGIMER, Chandigarh. If you think it is
confrontational, there are other cardioltgists in your state you can take their
second opinion.
Q: IS it safe to B complex tab regualrly as i am taking Cholestorel eReduction
Yes it is absolutely safe.
Q: Any BP medicine in night time to avoid sleeping medicine can be suggested. Are the side effects becasuse of Medicine or age or narrowed vein and age. once i was tested for ra +VE (26 VALUE) 2 YRS BACK, AFTER STARTING WITH aTORSAVE d 10,but my cardiologist told to ignore if there is no joint pain. i have no joint pain, sometimes my Uric acid level hoversd in the range of 7.1 to 7.5. Pl. suggest waht to do. How to keep my kidney safe for future. i think due to MEtacard Xl my urination frequency is more. How losartan action is different from Metacard XL ? Pl. suggest me. to recover my body pain.
A: You are confusing the question. I have already suggested change in BP medicine. You have not been investigated for narrowing of vessels so I can not comment. Blood Pressure medicine is not a substitute for sleeping medicine. Your
cardiologist is right to ask you to ignore the pain unless it is joint pain. You do not get increase in frequency of urine with metacard XL. The drugs have different mechanism of action the detailed pharmacology can be explained provided you read what the drug packet pamplet information has been read by you ask your chemist for patient information paper which comes with 10 strips of drug). Then rephrase the part as question which is not understood by you. You can take appointment for
telephonic consultation using the number provided in my page of healthcare magic or search the internet. I will be most happy to help you. Good Luck.
Best Wishes.
Dr Anil Grover

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