Started Loosing Weight. What Should I Do Now?
There may be many reasons that you may have lost weight. If you have no prior medical history nor are you on medications, I can only think of a couple of things here. You might be having severe depression or anxiety which can decrease your appetite and make you lose weight. If that is the case you need to see a psychiatrist right away. If that is not the case and the psychiatrist checks you out to be fine, you might want to consult an oncologist for your rapid weight loss of 3 kilos within the last 2 months. It might shed some light into what might be going on. It would also help to find out if there are any endocrinological problems by visiting with an endocrinologist. I hope this relieves your anxiety. I also hope that you are not doing anything active to lose weight, i.e. excessively exercise. I hope this helps.
Let me know if you have more questions. Thank you for bringing this up on this forum and I appreciate your question. Take care and have a lovely day!