Started To Sweat And Get Dizziness. Wondering What It Could Be?
Welcome and thanks for posting your query,
I am most delighted to be able to assist you;
From your description, it seems to me that you may have suffered from a performance anxiety due probably to your new job.
You will need to do some observation by yourself again for a couple of days to week to see if it repeats. You may have to check your blood pressure and pulse regularly to see if any changes.
This might be the only time this will happen and it may repeat, and if it does, make sure you book an appointment with a doctor for complete medical evaluation. Those two symptoms are not very typical to any particular diseases and could be the onset of a more serious medical condition which if detected earlier, could be treated accordingly.
My impression for now is performance anxiety (it is a psychosocial problem) and could be remedied with some few meditations, controlled breathing and talking to someone close about your recent activities and how they affect you.
Hope that this helps and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah