Suffeing From Paralyzing Due To Ischemic Stroke. Want To Know About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
patient in my condition; can you please give me what you know of this therapy? Thank you so much; I am 67 years old.
Thanks for the query.
Very sorry to learn that you had stroke many years back.
HBOT is hyperbaric oxygen therapy and it involves putting the person in a chamber and then giving 100% pure oxygen at high pressure.This pressure is approximately two and half times of normal atmospheric pressure.
Under increased pressure your blood is able to carry more oxygen.
This treatment is basically meant for gangrene but is also being given to patients suffering fron intracranial abscess,anaemia,skin grafts,non healing wound ulcers etc.
Although this therapy is being tried in patients like you but there has been only a very limited success only and more such studies are being done.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck