Suffer Pyelonephritis. Taking Antibiotics. Had Surgery. Taking Hydrolite, Cranberry Caps, Vit B And D, E And Magnesium. Long Term Implications?
Scarring in the kidneys is usually a result of severe infection. Usually scarring is patchy. This is usually detected on DMSA scan. Even though there are scars, it would be difficult to estimate the exact kidney function unless measured by a DTPA scan.
Normally a 50 % function is adequate for a lifetime. However as there is no extra reserve in the kidney, the function may deteriorate if under additional stress like... uncontrolled sugars, blood pressure and certain commonly prescribed painkilllers (NSAIDs/Cox II inhibitors).
You should monitor your kidney function and watch for protein in the urine at regular intervals 3-6 months.
It would not effect your regular day to day work. Since you are recovering from from a recent infection, it may take 2-3 weeks before you feel as before.