Suffered A Small DVT In Groin. Taking Aspirin And Clopridigol. Experiencing Bloated Tummy And Uncomfortable Leg. Is It Another Clot?
In the last few days, I have experience discomfort in my right leg and also have experience a very bloated tummy. I am concerned that my experience on holiday may have left me with another clot. Would these symptoms suggest this?
many thanks,
It is understandable, especially with a previous history of DVT, to be concerned.
A deep vein thrombosis would normally present with pain, persistent swelling , redness and increased prominence of the veins in the leg involved though some persons would present would none or few of these symptoms.
It would not normally be associated with any abdominal symptoms such as bloating.
If the pain that you are experiencing is persistent or severe and any of the other symptoms mentioned are present then it would be best to visit your doctor as soon as possible for an evaluation and possibly investigations.
Because some persons may have minimal symptoms and you have a previous history, it may be best to rule out the possibility even if you are not experiencing all or many of the symptoms mentioned.
Bloating normally occurs in response to : (1)GERD (reflux ),
(2)lactose intolerance,
(3)using gas producing food such as turnips, brussel sprouts, cabbage,carbonated drinks, fried or fatty foods, eggs, lentils, some fruits such as bananas and prunes
(4) constipation
(5) over eating
(6) air swallowing
It is treated by avoiding the aggravating foods and the use of reflux medication if necessary.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions