Suffering From Acid Reflux Or Acidity Issues Since 15-20 Years
Or acidity issues since 15-20 years.
Some years are better some are worse
I am 42 years
When I lie after food
The food comes in my throat and I feel spices in my throat
And I start cough
Now I have headache also
I just took nexus 40mg.
What medication combination I need to take
Please go through detailed answer.
Detailed Answer:
You are suffering from GERD.
The problem is there because of incomplete management.
GERD management consists of two step-
1)Control acid production-Just taking nexus in 40 mg doses wont help.Minimal dose is 40 mg twice a day cab be increased to 80 mg twice a day.
2)Prevent reflux of acid formed back to esophagus-This part is completely overlooked by your Gastro.
Ask him/her to add Domperidone 30mg or Levosulpiride(both are prokinetic)slow release once daily. This will slow down the reflux of acid back.Prokineic should be added in your regimen.
An antacid containing local anesthetic (Mucaine gel ) should be taken 2tsf thrice daily.
I think this would control your problem.
I case you have any query feel free to follow up.